Third Party Auditing System For Cloud Storage Data
  • Author(s): KUNAL ASHOK NAGPURE ; Barve Mayuresh M ; Jadhav Nitin B
  • Paper ID: 1700293
  • Page: 100-103
  • Published Date: 29-03-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 9 March-2018

In cloud have data owners host their data on public clustered cloud servers and users can access the data from public servers from any place any location with any platform of devices. Due to the outsourcing, this reduces infra structure cost but new paradigm of data hosting service also introduces security challenges and risk of confidentiality, integrity and availability, which requires an auditing service to check the data CIA in the cloud as per the standards and policies defined by company or users requirement. CIA checking methods can only serve for static archive data and thus we cannot fully dependent on the cloud service provider audit be applied to the auditing service or report generation for annual submissions; the data in the cloud can be scalable horizontally updated or vertically updated. An efficient and secure horizontally and vertically auditing protocol is desired to convince data users that the data are correctly stored in cloud with easily available resourses. In this paper, we first design an auditing blueprint for public cloud storage systems and propose a security learning algorithm for efficient and secure auditing protocol with auto top vulnerability detection and applying patch to data security. Then, we are thinking to extend our auditing protocol to support the data scalable operations, which is efficient and secure in the random any models for using this data security auditing system to large scale data applications. Our aim is to include all new technologies in one place for data security and maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability at the public cloud storage servers.


TPA, Cloud Security, Auditing, Analysis, Verification.


IRE Journals:
KUNAL ASHOK NAGPURE , Barve Mayuresh M , Jadhav Nitin B "Third Party Auditing System For Cloud Storage Data" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 9 2018 Page 100-103

KUNAL ASHOK NAGPURE , Barve Mayuresh M , Jadhav Nitin B "Third Party Auditing System For Cloud Storage Data" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(9)