UREA: A Case Study on Identifying Organic Fertilizer, Nutrients based on Color Characteristics Using Random Forest Algorithm for Small-scale Vegetable Farms
Cruz, Jershwin Marc A. ; Fuentes, Justine ; Bautista, Mark John B. ; Pagulayan, Eunice Vielle L.; Tabor, Dennis Justine ; Sheinn Reyes; Johani Basaula
Mark Benson S. Imbat ; Francis Shayne S. Gordovez ; Rolando M. Solomon ; Glen Edison Q. Malicdem ; John Domenick P. Andrada; Easter B. Belandres, PhD
Assessment on the Causes and the Effects of Microorganisms on Fresh Water Melon (A Case of Anyigba in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria)
Ismaila Muhammed Dankogi ; Anisha Michael C. ; Ochimana Paul ; Shaibu Jessy O.
Heavy Metal Characteristics Of Leaf And Tuber Of Manihot Esculenta Crantz (Cassava) Grown On Crude Oil Contaminated Soil With Rumen-based Waste Augmentation
Ihiegbulem, U. Oscar ; C. B. Isirima ; L.A. Akonye ; P. Okole ; P. O. Ezekiel
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