Understanding The Basic Concept Of Diseases In Aquaculture
  • Author(s): Obed Alfred ; Shaahu, A. ; Orban, D. A. ; Egwenomhe, M.
  • Paper ID: 1702541
  • Page: 83-91
  • Published Date: 31-12-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 6 December-2020

Fish health management is concerned with the care and proper measures in managing the healthy living of fish in aquaculture. Disease issues are of great concern in aquaculture production. This is because disease is considered one of the important factors to decrease in fish production, both in farming system and in wild condition. Production costs are increased through investment lost in dead cultured animals, cost of treatment, and decreased quality and quantity of yields. This study became necessary as there were various efforts to increase fish supply through aquaculture production to bridge the gap between the declining fish supply from capture fisheries and the increasing food fish demand. This study reviews fish disease in aquaculture and is focused on the nature, types, causes and significance of fish diseases in aquaculture production to provide hands-on information on diseases and health management in aquaculture production, and create relevant awareness on cultured fisheries management and practices.


Aquaculture Development; Disease; Infectious; Non-infectious; Economic Loss


IRE Journals:
Obed Alfred , Shaahu, A. , Orban, D. A. , Egwenomhe, M. "Understanding The Basic Concept Of Diseases In Aquaculture" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 6 2020 Page 83-91

Obed Alfred , Shaahu, A. , Orban, D. A. , Egwenomhe, M. "Understanding The Basic Concept Of Diseases In Aquaculture" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(6)