Ten year old, five months pregnant buffalo weighing 360 kg was admitted to Dept. of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of veterinary and Animal Sciences, Udgir, with the history of difficulty in drinking water and coughing. On palpation, hard object in esophagus was revealed. Radiological examination revealed, presence of radiodense firm object in the mid cervical region of oesophagus that confirmed choke. Hence oesophagotomy was planned. Animal was casted on right lateral recumbency and restrained securely. Local anesthesia, was achieved with 2% lignocaine infiltration at the surgical site. Aseptic surgery was carried out by incising skin parallel to esophagus in jugular furrow. The fascia, stenocephalic muscles and stenohyoidus muscles were dissected and approached the foreign material and removed by oesophagotomy. Esophagus was sutured using monocryl No.2-0 in simple interrupted pattern and wound closed in routine manner. Post-operative treatment care was done for five days with administration of antibiotics and daily dressing of wound was carried out. Skin sutures were removed on 10th post-operative day and animal showed uneventful recovery. Follow up on 90 days revealed healthy live fetus on per rectal examination.
Esophagotomy, Choke, Monocryl, Murrah, Polythene
IRE Journals:
ABDUL KHYUM N M , Pitlawar S S , K S Choudhary , Borakhede S S
"Surgical Management Of Choke Due To Leather Piece In A Pregnant Buffalo - A Case Report" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 4 2019 Page 97-98
ABDUL KHYUM N M , Pitlawar S S , K S Choudhary , Borakhede S S
"Surgical Management Of Choke Due To Leather Piece In A Pregnant Buffalo - A Case Report" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(4)