Nowadays, the active filters represent a viable alternative for controlling harmonic levels in industrial consumers? electrical installations. It must be noted the availability of many different types of filter configurations that can be used but there is no standard method for rating the active filters. This paper is focused on a STATCOM detection of harmonic voltages at the point of installation. The presence of harmonics in the power lines results in greater power losses in distribution, interference problems in communication systems and, sometimes, in operation failures of electronic equipments.
Harmonic termination, power distribution systems, pulse width modulation inverters, STATCOMs, voltage detection.
IRE Journals:
Ashutosh Yadav , Mohammad Amir Ansari
"THD Reduction In Three Phase System Using STATCOM" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 10 2018 Page 123-126
Ashutosh Yadav , Mohammad Amir Ansari
"THD Reduction In Three Phase System Using STATCOM" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(10)