This study Aimed to know the effect of learning methods and self-regulate on student's interpersonal intelligence. Data analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA), Followed by Dunnet test. The result Showed that: (1) interpersonal intelligence of students who were taught using the inquiry method is higher than students who were taught using the guided inqury method, (2) there were an interaction effect between learning methods and self-regulate on student's interpersonal intelligence , (3) for a group of students who has high self-regulate and using inquiry method is higher than students using guided inquiry method, (4) for a group of students who has low self-regulate and using guided inquiry is not higher than students using inquiry methods , Further trials are expected to find Appropriate learning method for students who were low self-regulate on interpersonal intelligence. Based on the results of the research is expected teachers in the process of learning of narrative writing using inquiry methods in students who have high self-regulation.
learning method, self-regulation, interpersonal intelligence
IRE Journals:
Raziska Ibrahimi , Arita Marini , Etin Solihatin
"Effect Of Learning Method And Self Regulation Of Interpersonal Intelligence In Learning Social Science" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 2 2018 Page 62-68
Raziska Ibrahimi , Arita Marini , Etin Solihatin
"Effect Of Learning Method And Self Regulation Of Interpersonal Intelligence In Learning Social Science" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(2)