Raisin is popular dry fruit item with long life around 6 months if stored properly. Apart from use as a dry fruit item, it is used in large quantities in many sweet preparations, some bakery product items and desserts. Raisins are also used in some herbal medicine preparation. Harvesting of grapes start from January and ends by may every year. Hence this business is seasonal and factories work for 6 months every year. So to reduce that high percentage of moisture they carry conventional process for reducing this moisture as per requirement but this process takes more time, man power as well as money. It requires sun rays which is dependent on time and season as well as it changes with day time. In rainy season it is very difficult to dry the raisin because of lack of sun rays and procedure adopted for this very sophisticated. Above problem was explained by ordinary farmer we have taken opinion from them and find out that we have developed such machine. The detail development of raisin drying machine is presented in this paper.
IRE Journals:
Shamuvel V. Pandit , Jitendra G. Shinde , Sunil J. Kadam
"Design And Development Of Raisins Drying Machine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 4 2018 Page 47-52
Shamuvel V. Pandit , Jitendra G. Shinde , Sunil J. Kadam
"Design And Development Of Raisins Drying Machine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(4)