Stress Analysis Of Automobile Brake Drum
  • Author(s): Aung Ko Latt ; Thae Su Tin ; Myo Zaw
  • Paper ID: 1701197
  • Page: 153-158
  • Published Date: 29-04-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 10 April-2019

Hydraulic brakes are widely used in automobile because they are easy to operate, maintain and repair than the mechanical brakes and air brakes. This paper describes the design of wheel cylinder diameter used in front disc brake and rear drum brake and stress analysis of brake drum in rear drum brake for hydraulic brake system of Hilux Surf. In the design calculation, clearly illustrates the contact force, the braking torque, friction head losses through the brake line, stopping distances with the various vehicle speeds and the braking efficiency of vehicle moving down the hill. In this case, slope ratio 1:5 is used for the minimum slope condition and vehicle moving on dry asphalt road. The purpose of this analysis is to know the stress behaviour of brake drum which is made of grey cast iron.


automobile, grey cast iron, hydraulic, rear drum


IRE Journals:
Aung Ko Latt , Thae Su Tin , Myo Zaw "Stress Analysis Of Automobile Brake Drum" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 10 2019 Page 153-158

Aung Ko Latt , Thae Su Tin , Myo Zaw "Stress Analysis Of Automobile Brake Drum" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(10)