In this paper, dynamic force analysis of diesel engine crankshaft has been studied using theoretical and numerical methods. Crankshaft converts the reciprocating displacement of the piston into a rotary motion of the crank. The objective of this paper is to analyze the forces acting on the crankshaft and compare the theoretical results with SolidWorks Motion results. Dynamic force analysis is the evaluation of input forces or torques and joint forces considering motion of members. Evaluation of the inertia force/torque is explained first. Mechanisms are designed to carry out certain desired work, by producing the specified motion of certain output member. lt is usually required to find the force or torque to be applied on an input member, when one or more forces act on certain output member(s). The external force may be constant or varying through the whole cycle of motion. Calculation of input force or torque over the complete cycle will be needed to determine the power requirement. When the masses and moments of inertia of the members are negligible, static force analysis may be carried out. Otherwise, particularly at high speeds, significant forces or torques will be required to produce linear or angular accelerations of the various members. lt is also required to find the forces at the joints for proper design. Kinematics is the study of motion without regard for the forces that cause the motion. A kinematic mechanism can be driven by a motor so that the position, velocity, and acceleration of each link of the mechanism can be analyzed at any given time. A kinematic analysis is conducted before dynamic force analysis of the mechanism can be simulated properly. The dynamic force analysis of a mechanism is governed by Newton?s second laws of motion. The main target of dynamic force analysis is to compute the values of inertia forces.
dynamic force, external force, kinematic, motion, reciprocating.
IRE Journals:
Dr. Aung Ko Latt , Dr. Than Naing Win
"Dynamic Force Analysis Of Diesel Engine Crankshaft" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 606-611
Dr. Aung Ko Latt , Dr. Than Naing Win
"Dynamic Force Analysis Of Diesel Engine Crankshaft" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)