Design And Implementation Of Undergraduate Degree Projects Monitoring System
  • Author(s): Adebola Okunola Orogun ; Omojokun Gabriel Aju
  • Paper ID: 1701744
  • Page: 129-135
  • Published Date: 27-11-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 5 November-2019

Ease of accessibility while ensuring quality data representation is the onus of modern day - computerization. In the university system, a project (a term used interchangeably with thesis) is a research work done as part of conditions for awarding a particular degree to students. A student is being allocated to a supervisor, who is to mentor and monitor the progress of the student during the period of the research work. In most cases, the Head of Department determines the allocation of students to supervisors, with the examination officer responsible for the computation of the students? scores. The major challenge of providing a repository for the past projects while ensuring that a check is done to eliminate topic duplication is still being worked on by researchers actively. In this paper, we present a project monitoring system that caters for the allocation of students to supervisors, uploading and archiving of projects, tracking of the students? progress while keeping a chat line open for ubiquitous real-time assistance to students.


Project Monitoring, Project Supervision, Project Management System, Software Development.


IRE Journals:
Adebola Okunola Orogun , Omojokun Gabriel Aju "Design And Implementation Of Undergraduate Degree Projects Monitoring System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 5 2019 Page 129-135

Adebola Okunola Orogun , Omojokun Gabriel Aju "Design And Implementation Of Undergraduate Degree Projects Monitoring System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(5)