How to start online business by creating a good startup ideas : (ONLINE BOUTIQUE BUSINESS)
  • Author(s): Niti Priya
  • Paper ID: 1702275
  • Page: 23-28
  • Published Date: 05-05-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 11 May-2020

Clothing Business Startup:- first, we have to collect information about online boutique which help in plan, start, and grow my clothing business. Searching for the perfect products, finding a color scheme , building a brand that embodies the style and look that people love, for successful business first we start at the beginning and then look at how to open a boutique online, which will different from my competitors and others, for making strong stand in online platform. When we think of online businesses, there are a large number of niche and specialty businesses on the Internet as well. Anyone can start their own successful online business, by making a plan and set a proper strategy, and most important that before starting online business we collect more information about our product or services. It’s a good way to make an extra money.


IRE Journals:
Niti Priya "How to start online business by creating a good startup ideas : (ONLINE BOUTIQUE BUSINESS)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 23-28

Niti Priya "How to start online business by creating a good startup ideas : (ONLINE BOUTIQUE BUSINESS)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)