In evaluating national development and standard of living of any nation, the supply and consumption of energy are very important. The overdependence of fossil fuels as the major energy source has yielded several environmental disasters such as global climate change, environmental degradation and environmental pollutions which have led to human health challenges. Renewable energy for sustainable development is practically the best alternative means of generating energy. The focused of this research is Briquetting, which is one of the alternatives to fossil fuels, to compare the cooking efficiency of briquettes produced from starch and gum arabic at different ratios. Two sets of solid fuel Briquettes were produced from carbonized rice huskat varying concentration weight of 25:75, 30:70, 35:65, 40:60 and 45:55 respectively in grams. It took (25%) ratio gum arabic briquettes 22 minutes to boil 1litre of water while it took (45%) ratio gum arabic bonded briquettes 18 minutes to boil the same quantity of water. As compared to (25%) ratio starch briquettes that took 20 minutes and (45%) ratio starch took 14 minutes to boil the same quantity of water. It is observed that briquetting has improved the combustion efficiency. This could be attributed to burning rate, fixed carbon, density and calorific value which are the factors combine that determines the water boiling time. Therefore, (45%) ratio starch binder shows better combustion characteristic
Briquette molder, Biomass utilization, waste to energy, Carbon sink.
IRE Journals:
Senchi, D.S , Kofa I.D
"Comparative Studies of Water Boiling Test and Ignition Time of Carbonized Rice Husk Using Starch And Gum Arabic As Adhesives" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 1 2020 Page 27-32
Senchi, D.S , Kofa I.D
"Comparative Studies of Water Boiling Test and Ignition Time of Carbonized Rice Husk Using Starch And Gum Arabic As Adhesives" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(1)