Like every other petroleum fractions, kerosene is also accompanied by a number of impurities, chief of which are Sulphur compounds. These compounds are undesirable because they form Sox during combustion. This sulfur compounds when burned have a devastating health effect and contribute greatly to depletion of ozone layer. The research project aimed at studying and comparing the adsorptive capacities of locally synthesized rice husk activated carbon (RHAC) and coconut shell activated carbon (CSAC) in the removal of these sulfur compounds from kerosene. The two adsorbents were first prepared from their respective precursors employing the one step chemical activation technique. Proximate analysis of the synthesized activated carbons was also done to gain a pre-knowledge as regards the suitability or otherwise of the activated carbon. Batch adsorption in a laboratory beaker was then carried out at different contact time and adsorbent dosage to desulfurize the kerosene. The contact time was varied for one hour at an interval of 10 minutes while adsorbent dosages of 1g, 2g and 3g were tested. The result shows that coconut shell activated carbon (CSAC) has a better adsorption capability in kerosene desulfurization when compared with rice husk activated carbon. This is seen from the highest removal efficiencies attained by both ACs. CSAC attains peak removal efficiencies of 57.32%, 66.22% and 65.11% at 1g, 2g and 3g respectively. This is far greater than the 32.21%, 39.01% and 51.57% attained by RHAC at the respective adsorbent dosages.
Activated Carbon, Adsorption, Rice Husk, Coconut Shell, Kerosene, sulfur, Desulphurization
IRE Journals:
A. M. Mohammed , I. A. Katagum , U. D. Hamza
"Comparative Study of the Adsorptive Capacities of Locally Synthesized Rice Husk and Coconut Shell Activated Carbons in the Desulfurization of Kerosene" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 2 2020 Page 61-67
A. M. Mohammed , I. A. Katagum , U. D. Hamza
"Comparative Study of the Adsorptive Capacities of Locally Synthesized Rice Husk and Coconut Shell Activated Carbons in the Desulfurization of Kerosene" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(2)