Design Modification in NRV & Hose Fitting Machine
  • Author(s): Sharad Gaikwad ; Shubham Chavan ; Omkar Nagalgave ; Vijay Kenjale ; Prof Hrishikesh Gadekar
  • Paper ID: 1702485
  • Page: 92-95
  • Published Date: 23-09-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 3 September-2020

There is tremendous growth in automobile and automation in last few years so to increase the productivity and performance of automations. we have to make unique research and development works. Its implementation in one organization can lead to another one elsewhere .the ability to modify NRV and hose fitting assembly to increase the work flow is yet another effective this project we are making a design modification in the assembly design of NRV and hose fitting this is one of the project from NAYAN ELECTRONICS who included us in their company project and sponsored our ideas. By using the various techniques and data base along with the old methods there are certain issues like flexibility and current systems being in capable properly mapping the relationship. It could result in the origin of multiple query statements. There by decreasing the queries and stop wasting industrial material adding our new modified die design. Hence the focus of the system is to facilitate use us to easily transfers the dies. In this project we are properly mapping of the system requirement and working on it.


IRE Journals:
Sharad Gaikwad , Shubham Chavan , Omkar Nagalgave , Vijay Kenjale , Prof Hrishikesh Gadekar "Design Modification in NRV & Hose Fitting Machine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 3 2020 Page 92-95

Sharad Gaikwad , Shubham Chavan , Omkar Nagalgave , Vijay Kenjale , Prof Hrishikesh Gadekar "Design Modification in NRV & Hose Fitting Machine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(3)