Need of Environmental Education at School Level in India
  • Author(s): Dr. Dinesh Kumar Maurya
  • Paper ID: 1702525
  • Page: 267-270
  • Published Date: 30-04-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 10 April-2018

In the present scenario, due to anthropogenic activities, environmental degradation is in an alarming rate and it results in various environmental issues such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, greenhouse effects, raise in sea water level, improper monsoon and acid rain. In spite of conducting more conferences, seminars and world summits towards the protection of environment for the past two decades, the present world is environmentally less sustainable than in the previous days. Therefore in order to achieve the acceptable level of global environmental sustainability, the citizens must be empowered with essential knowledge and information especially in developing countries like India . Since educational institutions are the places where the contact of the society is more, it is possible to bring remarkable changes in the mindset of the public. To protect children living in polluted regions, environmental education represents a relevant means of prevention because this type of education encourages learner's awareness of their environment's ambient conditions, as well as their active participation in solving local problems. It is the need of the hour to propose environmental education with the essential elements of moral philosophy.


Environmental Education, Aims & Objective, Environmental ethics.


IRE Journals:
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Maurya "Need of Environmental Education at School Level in India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 10 2018 Page 267-270

Dr. Dinesh Kumar Maurya "Need of Environmental Education at School Level in India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(10)