Pharmacodynamics of Drugs in Relation to Human Body
  • Author(s): Pragathy .B ; Supiriya. K. R
  • Paper ID: 1702642
  • Page: 23-24
  • Published Date: 10-04-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 10 April-2021

Pharmacodynamics shows what a drug does to the human body. It also involves receptor binding, postreceptor binding and chemical interactions. “Pharmaco “ means “drug” and “dynamics” means “power”. There is a term called pharmacokinetics, it explains how the body processes the drug. It is mainly focused on the drug and the body. But pharmacodynamics shows the interactions between the drugs and the pathogen (which is responsible for the infection in the patient) present in the human body. Primary pharmacodynamics is based on the mode of action of drugs and effects in relation to its desired therapeutic target. Nowadays, pharmacodynamics are in pain management also. Their mechanism of action on the microorganism and other parasites within or on the body. There are several mechanisms ( pharmacodynamics ) by which drugs can interact as pharmacokinetics ( absorption, metabolism etc..) or may be combined interaction. Pharmacodynamics shows the response of the body to the drugs given. It gives the relation between the concentration of the drug and the resulting effects on the body. Toxicodynamics is the toxicological part of pharmacodynamics. Both are impotant since the drug given to the patient lowers the serum concentration in the body. Here we can see the overview of the action of drugs.


Pharmacodynamics – toxicodynamics – pharmacokinetics – drug interaction – micro-organism – parasites – metabolism – drug interaction – receptor – target protein – post receptor.


IRE Journals:
Pragathy .B , Supiriya. K. R "Pharmacodynamics of Drugs in Relation to Human Body" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 10 2021 Page 23-24

Pragathy .B , Supiriya. K. R "Pharmacodynamics of Drugs in Relation to Human Body" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(10)