Desktop Handling Using ASL
  • Author(s): Gitesh V. Sagvekar ; Yuvraj G. Rane ; Rohit R. Parab ; Omkar D. Dike
  • Paper ID: 1702694
  • Page: 43-48
  • Published Date: 10-05-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 11 May-2021

During the corona virus outbreak in 2020, the need of contactless ways to carry out day-to-day task to help reduce spreading of infection was highlighted. There are traditional ways of Human-computer interaction which use physical devices like keyboard or mouse. This paper focuses on the achievement of effective contactless human–computer interaction using only webcam and hand signs to navigate computer screen and perform various task. American Sign Language is a universal sign language used by the people with Hearing and Speech Disabilities for communication in their daily activities. It is completely vision-based communication language which provides standard set of hand signs. In this research paper, presented an optimal approach for human- computer interaction which uses ASL signs detected using Machine Learning algorithm for mouse navigation.


Dataset Generation, Feature extraction and Representation, CNN, Machine Learning, Keras, Human-Machine Interaction, GUI Application


IRE Journals:
Gitesh V. Sagvekar , Yuvraj G. Rane , Rohit R. Parab , Omkar D. Dike "Desktop Handling Using ASL" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 11 2021 Page 43-48

Gitesh V. Sagvekar , Yuvraj G. Rane , Rohit R. Parab , Omkar D. Dike "Desktop Handling Using ASL" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(11)