The fundamental technical principles of digital image processing, with a focus on satellite image processing Image Rectification and Restoration, Enhancement, and Information Extraction are the three categories that all satellite image processing procedures fall into. The farmer is in charge of pre-processing raw image data in order to correct geometric distortion and calibrate the data. For the purpose of visual interpretation. It entails methods for enhancing the visual difference between scene elements. The goal of the information extraction procedures is to automate the identification of features in a scene by replacing visual analysis with quantitative techniques. This entails analyzing multi-spectral image data and applying algorithms. Land cover identification of each pixel in an image may be determined using statistically based decision procedures. The goal of the classification procedure is to group all pixels in a digital image into one of several different land cover groups or themes. Thematic maps of the land cover found in a picture can be created using this classed data.
IRE Journals:
S. Madhusudhan , R. Venkat Tarun , S. Kishore
"Digital Image Processing" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 87-91
S. Madhusudhan , R. Venkat Tarun , S. Kishore
"Digital Image Processing" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)