MurrayaKoenigii(L) Spreng (Rutaceae), is a medicinally importants herbs of Indians origin native to Asian and is founds throughout the Indians subcontinent has been used for centuries in the Ayurvedics system of medicines. MurrayaKoenigii(Curry leaf tree) has been used in several ancients systems of medicine including Siddha and Unanis as a multi-potentials medicinals plants. The whole plants is a rich sources of carbazole alkaloids and these alkaloids have been reported for their various pharmacologicals activities such as antiemetics, antidiarrhoeals, blood purifier and febrifuge. It is also been reporteds as antidiabetic, antioxidant, antihypertensives, antibacterials, cytotoxics and also in the treatments of various respiratory tract disorders. The whole plant is used as a tonic and stomachic. The leaves are also been used externally to treats burns, bruises and skin eruption. It is also been used in preventings prematures graying of hair. Aparts from these medicinals properties the curry leaves are also been used from centuries as a species as naturals flavorings agents. The extracteds oil from the leaves is used in soaps industry. Apart from all these activities, the plant is also reporteds to possess a wide spectrums of biologicals activities and has a potentials as a valuables herbs for the treatments of various disease as wells as for the managements of humans health. The presents reviews incorporates the descriptions of MurrayaKoenigii, and its phytochemicals constituents, pharmacognostic evaluations and also throws light on its therapeutics potentials for the treatments of various diseases.
Murrayakoenigiiijkl, carbazolean alkaloids, phytochemistrys, pharmacognostical, pharmacologicalgy.
IRE Journals:
Ajay Kumar , Shipra , Nitin Kumar , Narottam Singh
"Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Murrayakoenigii (Curry Tree)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 276-281
Ajay Kumar , Shipra , Nitin Kumar , Narottam Singh
"Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Murrayakoenigii (Curry Tree)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)