Sequential probability ratio test analysis (SPRT) which was the special case for multiple acceptance plans was develop using the inverse Rayleigh predicting software for the life time random variable for a truncated life test. In this paper, double acceptance sampling extend by Zoramawa et al (2018) has been extended to sequential sampling plans in terms of obtaining the minimum number of sample sizes necessary to obtained specified average life time under a given consumer’s risk. The lower proportion, higher proportion and the coefficient function where obtained, for different values of and and show the graphical performance of the model either to reject, to accept, to continue or terminate the procedure.
IRE Journals:
Ibrahim, Sylvester , A.B. Zoramawa , N. S. Dauran , M.M Hamza , David Saiki Suru
"A Study on Extension of Double Acceptance Sampling Plans Based on Truncated Life Tests on The Inverse Rayleigh Distribution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 5 2021 Page 155-182
Ibrahim, Sylvester , A.B. Zoramawa , N. S. Dauran , M.M Hamza , David Saiki Suru
"A Study on Extension of Double Acceptance Sampling Plans Based on Truncated Life Tests on The Inverse Rayleigh Distribution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(5)