Virtual Learning had become a norm after the COVID-19 outbreak. Many school have seen the potentials of teaching through this technology while retaining the quality of classroom teaching and this same time reaching many students at their comfort zone. However, there exist the challenge of getting a virtual learning platform that will adequately meet the needs of the school at a cheaper subscription. The diversity in the needs of school made it necessary for schools to look at the possibility of developing a platform that best suits their needs. Also owning to the fact that there exist but a few virtual learning platforms that can be adapted to meet the needs of schools. To this end, this research introduces a Virtual Learning Architecture code named “EASYLEARN” that is highly scalable and runs on intranet, internet and cloud network, thereby making it available to all users regardless of location or time. This architecture was developed using CISCO Packet Tracer and is designed to deliver seamless teaching and learning between instructor and large number of students connecting concurrently.
Virtual Learning, Architecture, COVID-19, Cloud Network, Internet
IRE Journals:
Olawale Ogunyinka , Nzube Onwuasoanya
"Virtual Learning and Curriculum Delivery in a Post COVID Era: A Proposal of Easylearn Virtual Learning Architecture (VLA)." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 6 2021 Page 150-153
Olawale Ogunyinka , Nzube Onwuasoanya
"Virtual Learning and Curriculum Delivery in a Post COVID Era: A Proposal of Easylearn Virtual Learning Architecture (VLA)." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(6)