The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of gender, income perception, labor market factors, the nature of professional work, and work environment on accounting students' interest in pursuing a career as a public accountant. The quantitative method was used in this study. Primary data sources and types, as well as data collection methods, which included questionnaires distributed to Accounting students at Sumbawa University of Technology. Purposive sampling was used to collect data from up to 73 respondents. Multiple linear regression was used to process the data. The t-test results indicate that gender, income perception, and the nature of professional work all have a negligible effect on students' interest in pursuing a career as public accountants.
Gender Influence; Perceptions of Income; Labor Market Considerations; Professional Work Nature; Work Environment.
IRE Journals:
Mujibur Rahmat , Sudrajat Martadinata
"The Impact Of Gender, Income Perception, Job Market Considerations, The Nature Of Professional Work, And The Work Environment On Accounting Students' Interest In Becoming Public Accountants" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 7 2022 Page 97-105
Mujibur Rahmat , Sudrajat Martadinata
"The Impact Of Gender, Income Perception, Job Market Considerations, The Nature Of Professional Work, And The Work Environment On Accounting Students' Interest In Becoming Public Accountants" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(7)