Investigation on Cryptosystem and Hash-Based Multifactor Authentication Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network
  • Author(s): Venkatachalam C ; Dr. A. Suresh
  • Paper ID: 1703802
  • Page: 44-50
  • Published Date: 08-09-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 3 September-2022

Transmission of information between the clients in the network is a significant part of today, client of the network needs to share their data between different clients of verified information transmission. They were numerous method of exchange o information were done, however verified degree of information exchange is a significant angle what everybody needs. Mystery information transmission is as yet serious issue in network. Implanting the mystery data is an overhauling innovation for sharing mystery information, inserting process cryptography technique assumes a key job. Successful inserting of mystery information by utilizing visual cryptography helps a ton for mystery information transmission. This paper gives the review of different cryptographic techniques and its viability for secure transmission over network.


Cryptography, Protocol, Accuracy, Traffic, Intensity.


IRE Journals:
Venkatachalam C , Dr. A. Suresh "Investigation on Cryptosystem and Hash-Based Multifactor Authentication Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 3 2022 Page 44-50

Venkatachalam C , Dr. A. Suresh "Investigation on Cryptosystem and Hash-Based Multifactor Authentication Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(3)