The primary purpose of the study was to determine the level of parents’ engagement in the modular learning of elementary school students. The researchers used survey questionnaires as an instrument, utilized the descriptive type of research and total population sampling in the selection of the respondents, the entire parents of Grades 4-6 was studied. The respondents of this study are the 30 parents which are categorized based on their educational attainment and family monthly income. The researchers used the adapted research questionnaire from the study of Gumapac, et al., (2022) which based on the three indicators: sustaining motivation, coaching and tutoring and monitoring student’s compliance. The result of the study showed that there is no significance difference in the parents’ level of engagement in modular learning when categorized according to educational attainment and family monthly income. Parents are encouraged to continue to support and motivate their children in various aspects and encourage their children to continue in schooling despite on the family income or educational attainment of their parents. Furthermore, the future researchers should conduct the same study in different schools, particularly in Island Garden City of Samal.
modular distance learning, descriptive research, parents’ engagement, elementary school students
IRE Journals:
Jovenil Bacatan , Henry Vance Suico , Ronel Olila , Argi Macatuay
"Parents’ Level of Engagement in the Modular Distance Learning of Elementary School Students" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 79-87
Jovenil Bacatan , Henry Vance Suico , Ronel Olila , Argi Macatuay
"Parents’ Level of Engagement in the Modular Distance Learning of Elementary School Students" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)