Routine Immunization (RI) coverage is low in Nigeria, despite efforts made by the Nigerian government and other immunization partners. The low coverage has been attributed to a lack of information on the health facility vaccination day, caregivers not recalling the date(s) of their child's vaccination date, and long waiting hours at the vaccination center. To improve immunization demand and uptake and data availability, we developed a web-based application that captures the child’s data and sends SMS reminders to the parents on their child’s immunization schedule. The study design, development, and implementation used an iterative human-centered (HCD) approach. We tested the system to evaluate performance and reach. The system was easy to use by the health providers, however, the data was insufficient to draw any conclusions on the impact.
Human Centered Design, mHealth, Nigeria, Routine Immunization, SMS reminder
IRE Journals:
Olumide Owolabi , Winnie David , Grace Sidi
"Child Immunization E-registry and SMS Reminder System Development in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 8 2023 Page 31-37
Olumide Owolabi , Winnie David , Grace Sidi
"Child Immunization E-registry and SMS Reminder System Development in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(8)