This paper presents harmonics analysis of wind power system in DigSILENT environment under linear and nonlinear loads scenarios. Harmonics analysis of wind farm system is essential to study the behavior of equipment connected in the non-sinusoidal system environment. Wind turbine connected to synchronous generator is modelled using Digsilent simulation software to analyze the said issues where Synchronous Var Compensator (SVC) is introduced as an active voltage and reactive power supporter to increase the power system stability. Simulation models are developed for linear and nonlinear loads and analysis of the voltage and current harmonics is performed for these loads individually with and without SVC. Results obtained showed that, introduction of SVC significantly mitigate the harmonics issues.
Synchronous Generator, DigSILENT, Wind Turbine Generator, Synchronous Var Compensator, Harmonics Analysis
IRE Journals:
Modu Abba Gana , Adam Bukar
"Wind Power System Harmonics Analysis Using DigSILENT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 8 2023 Page 108-113
Modu Abba Gana , Adam Bukar
"Wind Power System Harmonics Analysis Using DigSILENT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(8)