Latest news on financial events like Debt, stock split or mergers and acquisitions has shown significant influence on the financial market, hence it became important to keep update of these events in a timely manner for trader and investors.There are various rule-base models introduced to detect and classify the events but it requires assistance from a financial domain expert for setting rules and it also requires to updates this rules periodicaly. There are also various deep learning, cluster based and classification based approaches attempted for event detection and classification,which show significant im- provement.In this work we aim to figure out efficient techniques to better detect and classify the events.
Merger and Acquisition, Cluster, Rules, Deep Learning.
IRE Journals:
Pratham Bhokare , Aniruddha Sonawane , Sparsh Sonawane , Prof. Hrushikesh J. Joshi
"Detection and Classification of Financial Events from News Articles." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 8 2023 Page 171-180
Pratham Bhokare , Aniruddha Sonawane , Sparsh Sonawane , Prof. Hrushikesh J. Joshi
"Detection and Classification of Financial Events from News Articles." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(8)