West African Economic Size and Access to Electricity
  • Author(s): Beals, Sampson Alele
  • Paper ID: 1704280
  • Page: 479-490
  • Published Date: 22-04-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 10 April-2023

This research paper seeks to assess the relationship between economic size measured as gross domestic product GDP per capita and access to electricity as percentage of population, in order to enhance both electrification and economic growth. The study statistically analyses electrification and economic growth trends and the relationship between them. The population of this study is the 16 Countries if West Africa. Secondary data were obtained from published World Development Indicators of the World Bank Group spanning 2012-2020. Using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression via the SPSS statistical software, the Study reveals that in the spatial distribution of access to electricity and GDP per capita, there is significant statistical difference across countries. Taken access to electricity as a function of GDP using derived electrification ranking index, The Gambia occupies the first position (with an index of 0.0860) and Nigeria the last with an index of 0.0225). The trend of West African access to electricity over the years of study depicts a steady rise of electricity consumption, while the trend of GDP per capita is awkwardly oscillating. Access to electricity is significantly related with GDP (p value = 0.000 < 0.05) and the relationship is positive (with t- value = 14.987). A reverse regression analysis also indicates that GDP is significantly positively related with access to electricity (p value = 0.000 < 0.05; t-value = 224.612). Thus access to electricity and GDP has a bi-directional positive significant relationship. This study recommends that the West African countries should place meaningful emphasis on electrification to boost economic growth, and that their economic viability should be commensurately felt in the electrification of their population.


Access to Electricity, GDP, West Africa, Trend Analysis, Causal Relationship


IRE Journals:
Beals, Sampson Alele "West African Economic Size and Access to Electricity" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 479-490

Beals, Sampson Alele "West African Economic Size and Access to Electricity" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)