In the present study three Allamanda species were characterized based on morphological traits. The species Allamanda blanchetii A.DC., Allamanda cathartica L. and Allamanda schottii Pohl were collected from certain regions of Kanyakumari District. A comparative taxonomic account of each species has been given along with quantitative and qualitative characters. The major morphological variations of the Allamanda species are shape and size of the leaves and shape, color and size of the flowers. The three Allamanda species were distinguished based on its vegetative and floral characters. Allamanda blanchetii has the climbing habit with ovate leaves and light pink to red flowers. Allamanda cathartica has the climbing habit with lanceolate to elliptic shaped leaves and yellow flowers. Allamanda schottii is a shrub, with elliptic to obovate leaves and small yellow flowers.
Allamanda, Apocynaceae, Morphology, Ornamental
IRE Journals:
Rejitha S , Dr. S. Uma Devi
"The Comparative Morphology Study of Three Allamanda L. Species (Apocynaceae)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 11 2023 Page 473-478
Rejitha S , Dr. S. Uma Devi
"The Comparative Morphology Study of Three Allamanda L. Species (Apocynaceae)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(11)