My Exam: A Web-Based Application for MCQ Type Online Examination
  • Author(s): B. Akhil Bharadwaz ; B. Sasidhar ; Dr. Sharmasth Vali ; Rupam Bhagawati ; Sachin Jain
  • Paper ID: 1704476
  • Page: 434-442
  • Published Date: 18-05-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 11 May-2023

A Web Based Online Examination System is an effective solution for the college or institute to computerize the traditional way of conducting exams which can simplify the conduct of examinations and the generation of results. It is primarily designed and developed for students and teaching staff to manage their exams. This system is constructed using various open-source technologies: Angular, Spring Boot, and MySQL. In this system, users fall into two categories: teachers and students. Before using the system, faculty need to register, and after that, they must log in with their username and password to enter the system, whereas a student can directly login into the system with the details shared by the faculty via email. The system makes conducting tests more customizable. This gives easier access to the details of a student's test. The information is entered into a database, which the instructor can provide for each student. It can enable institutes to have automated checking based on the response from the candidate. The major objective of this online examination system project is to thoroughly and efficiently evaluate the student using a fully automated method that not only cuts down on the required time but also produces quick and precise results.


Web-based online Examination and Result generation system, Database, Multi-Instructor, Resumption Capability, Random Password Generator, Random Exam Code Generator.


IRE Journals:
B. Akhil Bharadwaz , B. Sasidhar , Dr. Sharmasth Vali , Rupam Bhagawati , Sachin Jain "My Exam: A Web-Based Application for MCQ Type Online Examination" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 11 2023 Page 434-442

B. Akhil Bharadwaz , B. Sasidhar , Dr. Sharmasth Vali , Rupam Bhagawati , Sachin Jain "My Exam: A Web-Based Application for MCQ Type Online Examination" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(11)