ECOnstruction: Analysis of Market-Available Green Cement in Building Sustainable Structures and Reducing Carbon Pollution
  • Author(s): Leslie P. Lacap ; Karim Kyle B. Alfonso ; Maria Katrina M. Atud; Scott Ivan T. Fulguirinas ; Fernando JR. R. Garcia; Alvaro G. Zabala ; Ma. Angelu S. Castro; Carl Jason A. Coronel
  • Paper ID: 1704820
  • Page: 1301-1334
  • Published Date: 05-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

Environmental problems have long been a global concern, and the Philippines is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters due to its location along tectonic plates. The country experiences an estimated 20 typhoons annually, five destructive. The Philippines is also one of the countries most affected by global warming, according to the World Risk Index 2022. While the Philippines may not contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions, the rapid annual increase in emissions has an impact locally. The construction industry is one of the major contributors to these emissions. As the country's population grows, the infrastructure and cement production demand also rise, causing environmental damage. This study focuses on assessing the viability of green cement as a sustainable alternative to conventional cement. The researchers compared the performance of market-available green cement to that of conventional cement. They evaluated whether the green cement meets the standard requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Although both types of cement meet the ASTM standards, the experiments showed that green cement performed significantly differently than conventional cement. The study identified several factors that may have contributed to this difference. The researchers used a mixed-methods action research design to gather quantitative and qualitative data and interpret the results. Despite its lower performance compared to conventional cement, the study suggests that green cement still has the potential to be a viable alternative due to its environmental benefits and compliance with ASTM standards. The study provides valuable information on the feasibility of transitioning to green cement, and further research is necessary to evaluate its long-term performance. Overall, this investigation could be a foundation for a green revolution in the construction industry.


Alternative, Green Cement, Sustainable, Viability.


IRE Journals:
Leslie P. Lacap , Karim Kyle B. Alfonso , Maria Katrina M. Atud; Scott Ivan T. Fulguirinas , Fernando JR. R. Garcia; Alvaro G. Zabala , Ma. Angelu S. Castro; Carl Jason A. Coronel "ECOnstruction: Analysis of Market-Available Green Cement in Building Sustainable Structures and Reducing Carbon Pollution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 1301-1334

Leslie P. Lacap , Karim Kyle B. Alfonso , Maria Katrina M. Atud; Scott Ivan T. Fulguirinas , Fernando JR. R. Garcia; Alvaro G. Zabala , Ma. Angelu S. Castro; Carl Jason A. Coronel "ECOnstruction: Analysis of Market-Available Green Cement in Building Sustainable Structures and Reducing Carbon Pollution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)