This study aimed to establish how the Social Development and Management Program of MGB-CAR fared to the mining industry’s multisectoral stakeholders and whether or not the implementation of the program is in accordance to the government’s objective to develop mining communities through a participatory approach. The study applied the descriptive research design to scrutinize the issues related to the research being undertaken. The research strategy made use of a survey questionnaire as the primary instrument to gather data. The study was conducted at the Mines and Geosciences Bureau-CAR with the involvement of ninety personnel from the MGB-CAR Technical Department, LGUs, Mining Companies, and communities (host and neighboring) as the respondents. All gathered data was subjected to statistical treatment such as frequencies, weighted mean and average weighted mean. Based on the data gathered, the following are the findings of the study: mining industry multisectoral stakeholders were very much aware on the pertinent government orders and circulars to implement the SDMP, the MGB-CAR has very much attained the SDMP components in accordance to the approved 5-year and annual SDMP, the methods used to implement the SDMP were very much effective, and the challenges encountered in the implementation of the SDMP was moderately serious. From these findings, the following conclusions were made: mining industry multisectoral stakeholders to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau have good understanding on the government orders and circulars in the implementation of SDMP, mining industry multisectoral stakeholders to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau has performed well and accomplished the tasks and objectives of the SDMP components in accordance to the approved 5-year and annual SDMP, the methods used to implement the SDMP were very helpful, and the challenges encountered in the implementation of SDMP can be associated to varying factors that should be addressed carefully when formulating implementing strategies/methods.
Administrative Order, circulars, Mining Act of 1995, implementation, methods, SDMP components
IRE Journals:
Dr. Ma. Remedios G. Ortega-laroco
"Social Development and Management Program of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau-car" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 61-71
Dr. Ma. Remedios G. Ortega-laroco
"Social Development and Management Program of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau-car" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)