This descriptive Husserlian phenomenological study using the modified Van Kaam’s method by Moustakas (1994) with transcribed semi-structured face-to-face interviews explored and described the lived experiences among Surigaonons on their education and life quality in the rural areas of Surigao. Thirteen participants were selected by the criterion-based purposive sampling method specifying those who personally experienced schooling and life in any rural area within the city from the year 2013 to 2023. Two core themes emerged which were put all together to form the supreme essence of education and life quality in rural Surigao. Surigaonons believed that the Surigaonon Way of Life is PEACEFUL, PRACTICAL, and SATISFYING and that Rural Surigao has QUALITY and REMARKABLE EDUCATION and CULTURE. These imply the indelible marks of the livable rural Surigao found in the quality of life and education of Surigaonons amidst the simplicity of rurality. These core themes and essence were inductively fleshed from the revealed specific themes which represent the participants’ stories from their meaningful experiences. This then realizes the love and commitment of Surigaonons to their origins, culture, and heritage.
Lived Experiences, Moustakas, Rural Life, Quality of Education, Quality of life, Surigaonon, Phenomenology, Surigao, Philippines
IRE Journals:
Nikko T. Ederio
"Lived Experiences of Surigaonons on the Quality of Education and Life in the Rural" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 210-227
Nikko T. Ederio
"Lived Experiences of Surigaonons on the Quality of Education and Life in the Rural" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)