This study assessed the functional literacy level of the intermediate-grade learners of Jose Panganiban West District as the basis for developing literacy enhancement intervention. Specifically, it answered the following questions: 1) What is the profile of the teachers as to age, sex, educational attainment, years of teaching experience, and pupil respondents as to the number of household members, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ occupation, and household income? 2) What is the functional literacy level of the intermediate grade learners based on FLAT? 3) Is there a significant relationship between the teachers’ profiles and the functional literacy level of the learners? 4) Is there a significant relationship between the learners’ profile and their functional literacy? 5) What are the challenges encountered by the teachers and learners in improving the learners’ literacy level? 6) What instructional material can be developed to enhance the learners’ literacy level? The researcher utilized Descriptive-Correlational research as the methodology of this study. The key respondents of this study were 46 English teachers and 276 intermediate-grade learners of Jose Panganiban West District. The pertinent data were gathered using a questionnaire checklist and the Functional Literacy Assessment Tool results of the learners. The study found that among the 46 teachers of Jose Panganiban West District, there were 13 teachers aged from 26 to 30, and some are older than 26. There were more female elementary teachers than males; 59% of them had units in master’s degrees and were mostly 0 to 3 years in service and in 16 years above. On the other hand, among 276 intermediate-grade pupils, 103 of them belonged to families with 5 to 6 household members where 91 parents were high school graduates and most of their income come from self-employment and as laborers; 42% of the families earn at around 1,000 to 9,999 pesos per month. Moreover, the study revealed that out of 276 intermediate learners of Jose Panganiban West District, there 115 (42%) were under paragraph level;112 (40%) under word level; 32 intermediate learners were still in letter level while 17 were under nothing level. The computed R-values using Pearson correlation at 0.05 level of significance between functional literacy levels and teacher’s profile such as age, sex, educational attainment, and length of service had shown no statistical significance. The correlation between the functional literacy level of pupils and their profile such as parent’s educational attainment and household income had shown high significance, while the parent’s occupation is statistically significant. However, the number of household members at home is not significant. As to the challenges, out of 46 Intermediate English teachers, 24 agreed that they lack of other instructional materials for functional literacy. On the other hand, 192 out of 276 intermediate learners agreed that they have limited English vocabulary. Based on the findings, it is concluded that intermediate-grade English teachers of Jose Panganiban West District are primarily female teachers, 20-25 years of age, with units in master’s degree and have been teaching between 0 to 3 years or more than 16 years. On the other hand, families of elementary students are typically coming from large-sized families with low incomes and whose parents were not able to reach college level and work as self-employed laborers. Thus, it was recommended that teachers may consider finishing a master’s degree and attend seminars and training about research writing can help them graduate from the program and attain higher professional growth. Local units should focus on addressing these issues since family planning can help families manage their resources and reduce the financial burden associated with raising children. It was further concluded that the learners are in need of reading intervention to help them improve and be considered as “functional”. Thus, teachers and parents must offer plenty of practice because it is essential for developing reading skills. Since learners may not have access to books or other reading materials at home, it is recommended that teachers may consider active engagement in the development and production of teacher-made alternative learning materials and instructional resources in other formats. Thus, Interactive E-Learning System for Reading is a modern, interactive, and engaging instructional material that can help learners enhance their functional literacy level.
Functional Literacy, Intermediate Grade Learners, Literacy Intervention
IRE Journals:
Joelyn A. Predicala , Anicia S. Madarang
"Functional Literacy Level of Intermediate Grade Learners: Basis for Developing Literacy Enhancement Intervention" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 282-294
Joelyn A. Predicala , Anicia S. Madarang
"Functional Literacy Level of Intermediate Grade Learners: Basis for Developing Literacy Enhancement Intervention" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)