The main objective of the study was to develop and evaluate a reading comprehension intervention strategy to address the reading comprehension difficulty of Grade 7 students of Manguisoc National High School in the Division of Camarines Norte. It utilized Descriptive-Inferential research method with sampling techniques. The researcher-made test and the adapted evaluation tool of LRMDS-DepEd were the primary research instruments. It involved respondents composed of one hundred fifty-five (155) Grade 7 students and ten (10) evaluator-teachers. Results of the study revealed that the reading comprehension difficulties of Grade 7 learners were at a critical level with the score of 46% interpreted as “average”. This was the basis in developing the intervention strategy dubbed as Project BOOK-LAT: Bringing on Opportunity for Keeping Learners Achieve Reading Transformation which addressed the identified reading comprehension difficulties. The developed material was rated full compliant. Significant difference was also noted between the pre-test and posttest results of Grade 7 English students with an increase of test results from 58% MPL to 83% MPL. Partnership or collaboration with local government units and stakeholders towards the higher level of development and production of the reading materials for Grade 7 students was recommended.
Reading Comprehension, Literal Comprehension, Inferential Comprehension, Critical Comprehension, Intervention Strategy
IRE Journals:
Veniflor R. Bolaños
"Project Book-Lat as a Reading Comprehension Intervention Strategy for Grade 7 Learners of Manguisoc National High School" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 591-597
Veniflor R. Bolaños
"Project Book-Lat as a Reading Comprehension Intervention Strategy for Grade 7 Learners of Manguisoc National High School" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)