Leveraging Cycle Breeze's DALP Agriculture Data Software: Bridging FAO Soil Data with Commercial Farms in Sub-Saharan Africa to Boost Agricultural Productivity
  • Author(s): CycleBreeze
  • Paper ID: 1705179
  • Page: 63-70
  • Published Date: 09-11-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 5 November-2023

Low soil fertility constrains agricultural productivity across sub-Saharan Africa. This study examines relationships between soil properties, geography, farm management, technology adoption, and productivity using correlation analysis on data from 300 smallholder farms. The aim is to elucidate complex interactions to guide integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) strategies. Results reveal noteworthy correlations between variables related to soils, location, practices, technology, policy, weather, yields, and economics. Negative associations exist between soil characteristics and analysis; location and practices; practices and technology investment; economic performance and government policies; and weather and soil health. Farm size correlates positively with adoption of recommendations. While correlations do not prove causation, findings provide insights to inform ISFM optimization through emerging digital advisory tools that link site-specific soil data to personalized guidance. This systems analysis highlights opportunities for sustainable intensification via customized nutrient management.


Soil fertility, Integrated management, Smallholder farms, Digital agriculture, Correlation analysis


IRE Journals:
CycleBreeze "Leveraging Cycle Breeze's DALP Agriculture Data Software: Bridging FAO Soil Data with Commercial Farms in Sub-Saharan Africa to Boost Agricultural Productivity" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 5 2023 Page 63-70

CycleBreeze "Leveraging Cycle Breeze's DALP Agriculture Data Software: Bridging FAO Soil Data with Commercial Farms in Sub-Saharan Africa to Boost Agricultural Productivity" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(5)