The development of seaweed production in Olat Rawa Hamlet, Moyo Hilir District, Sumbawa Regency, has a high potential for seaweed production of around 1,100 tons/year. Most of this seaweed is marketed as wet and dry seaweed, the drying process takes quite a long time and the price the sales will be low or cheap, this condition really requires innovation and increasing the added value so that it can improve the standard of living of the local community. The aim of this Beginner Community Service (PMP) is to identify, analyze and improve the welfare of seaweed farmers assisted by Bumdesa Tunas Bakemang Olat Rawa (BOR). The current condition is that only the traditional seaweed drying process is carried out and it is not optimal, resulting in dried seaweed results that do not meet the requirements or poor quality standards and ultimately do not comply with SNI 01-2690.1:2009 standards. The traditional mechanism used by seaweed farmers is to use solar heat. In the summer the drying time for seaweed reaches 5-7 days, while in the rainy season the drying time is 1-2 weeks or even more. Because seaweed that is dried for a long time can cause mold, rot and low quality seaweed, so the price of seaweed becomes cheaper. Apart from that, products derived from seaweed that do not grow well and optimally help improve the farmer's economy. This seaweed drying and processing machine uses solar power and electricity, considering that the availability of solar power is abundant in the geographical location of seaweed farming partners, based on test results, the seaweed drying machine has increased 1.2 times compared to traditional methods.
Process Efficiency; Production Capacity; Dryer Technology; Green Economy; Community empowerment
IRE Journals:
Abdul Salam , Edi Irawan , Mietra Anggara
"Innovation in the Development of Added Value of Seaweed Through the Application of Solar Powered Seaweed Drying and Management Technology With a Smart Control System Based on Green Economy" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 5 2023 Page 192-200
Abdul Salam , Edi Irawan , Mietra Anggara
"Innovation in the Development of Added Value of Seaweed Through the Application of Solar Powered Seaweed Drying and Management Technology With a Smart Control System Based on Green Economy" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(5)