Entrepreneurship and self-employment have long been touted as pathways to economic growth and development. This study investigates the challenges associated with entrepreneurship, vocational education, and self-employment in Nigeria. Despite the purported benefits, aspiring entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals face considerable hurdles that stifle business creation and sustainability. Utilizing an analytical framework grounded in the Human Capital theory and the Institutional theory, this research elucidates the multifaceted obstacles endogenous to the Nigerian context, ranging from limitations in human capital development to poor enabling environment. Specifically, inadequate access to financing, infrastructure, and resources combines with suboptimal policies and regulations to create formidable barriers. Additionally, gaps in entrepreneurial knowledge and vocational skills undermine individual capacity to establish and expand enterprises. By delineating these challenges and their resultant adverse impacts on job creation and economic expansion, this study aims to highlight potential areas for reform and intervention to nurture entrepreneurship and self-employment as drivers of sustainable development in Nigeria.
Entrepreneurship, Vocational Education, Self-Employment, Training
IRE Journals:
Dr. Tijani Abideen Adekunle
"Challenges Associated with Entrepreneurship, Vocational Education and Self Employment in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 91-105
Dr. Tijani Abideen Adekunle
"Challenges Associated with Entrepreneurship, Vocational Education and Self Employment in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)