This study was undertaken to determine the correlates of the numeracy skills of Grade 7 students in Dominador Narido High School as a basis for formulating an intervention. A descriptive correlation survey was used to gather data from 83 students. The following statistical tools were employed to treat the data gathered: frequency count and percentage to describe the profile of the respondents; Somer’s Delta Coefficient to test the significant relationship between the numeracy skills and the profile of the respondents in terms of age, parent’s educational attainment, parent’s monthly income, number of children in the family, and geographical location; Contingency Coefficient (C) to test the significant relationship between the numeracy skills and the profile in terms of sex and parent’s occupation; and Pearson Product correlation to test the significant relationship between the numeracy skills and the academic performance. The study concluded that the majority of the respondents were 13 to 14 years old and male with 47 while 36 respondents were female. Male parents were elementary school graduates while the female parents of the respondents were high school graduates. Forty of the parents’ respondents had a monthly income of 1,000 to 5,000. Twenty-six of male parents were farmers; however, the mothers of the respondents were housewives. As to the number of children in the family, 35 had 3 to 4 children. Respondents were residing below one kilometer from the school. The level of numeracy skills of the respondents along knowing and understanding, computing and solving, estimating, visualizing and modeling, representing and communicating, conjecturing and reasoning, proving and decision-making, and applying and connecting was 74% and below. The majority of the respondents' first-quarter Mathematics grades were in the range of 75% to 79%. For the test of the significant relationship between the profiles of the respondents and the numeracy skills, the age profile of the respondents had no significant relationship with the numeracy skills of the respondents except for conjecturing and reasoning with a weak relationship. In terms of sex, there was no significant relationship between sex and numeracy skills. Parental educational attainment had no significant relationship in terms of the numeracy skills of the students except for the mother’s educational attainment, which had a weak significant relationship between applying and connecting. Parents' monthly income and their numeracy skills had no significant relationship except for computing and solving which had a weak significant relationship. The parents’ occupations had no significant relationship except for computing and solving specifically the father’s occupation. The profile on the number of children in the family and the numeracy skills had no significant relationship with the variables considered except for visualizing and modeling with a weak relationship. The geographical location of the students had no significant relationship with any of the numeracy skills. For the test of the significant relationship between the numeracy skills and the academic performance in Mathematics, there was no significant relationship between knowing and understanding, computing and solving, estimating, representing and communicating, conjecturing and reasoning, and applying and connecting. But there was a significant relationship between visualizing and modeling and proving and decision-making. The proposed intervention plan was designed to serve as the basis for improvement. The basis in formulating the intervention plan was based on the first quarter Mathematics grades and the level of numeracy skills of the students.
Academic Performance, Correlates of Numeracy Skills, Intervention Plan
IRE Journals:
Nympha A. Alarcon , Rusty G. Abanto
"Correlates of Numeracy Skills of Grade 7 Students in Dominador Narido High School: Basis for Intervention" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 48-66
Nympha A. Alarcon , Rusty G. Abanto
"Correlates of Numeracy Skills of Grade 7 Students in Dominador Narido High School: Basis for Intervention" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)