Reliability analysis is the evaluation of customer supply interruption probability for a given network configuration. Reliability analysis simulates and examines systematically all single and multiple failures, for every failure, the unsupplied loads, the interruption durations and the possibilities of power restoration are determined. A Power system is set up basically to meet the demands of the customers. However, interruptions which are largely unavoidable contribute to the unavailability of power and thus prevent power system from achieving this. In most cases, it is the sustained interruptions that greatly affect both the utility company and its customers. The need for stable electricity supply in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized as it is a pre-requisite to economic, social and technical development. The consequence of interruption of supply in the transmission system is considerably high because an outage event in the transmission system can propagate and paralyze a widespread geographical area. The collected data were analyzed mathematically to estimate the reliability of the substation and the customer reliability indices computed for a twelve-month period. It was observed that the substation was available for an average 61.45% which is very low compared to IEEE standard. Thus, the overall system availability shows that the system performance is poor.
IRE Journals:
D. C. Oyiogu , C. A. Obiora-okeke , A. O. Aniagboso
"Customer Reliability Indices Evaluation of Umudike 11Kv Distribution Feeder" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 145-151
D. C. Oyiogu , C. A. Obiora-okeke , A. O. Aniagboso
"Customer Reliability Indices Evaluation of Umudike 11Kv Distribution Feeder" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)