This study was carried out to determine the performance evaluation of the distance relays at the Edo region of the 132 kV Transmission network from the Benin transmission centre. The research assesses the performance of the Edo relays, R1 and R2 at the Irrua, Okpilla and Irrua-Etsako lines. The methodology used in this research involves a power flow and a short circuit studies as well as using the quadrilateral characteristic to determine the relay impedance, ZR at the R-X plane of the Irrua- Etsako line. The short circuit analysis and the power flow study of the distance relays was carried out using the data obtained from Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) for this network as input. The input data are: Voltage Transformer rating of 132 kV, Power Transformer rating of 90 MVA, Current Transformer with a rating of 400 A, Current Transformer ratio of 400/1 A, Resistance/kilometer of 0.222 ohm/km and Reactance/kilometer of 0.4281 ohm/km. Neplan software was used to simulate the network starting from Benin TCN using the data gathered from TCN Benin Transmission Centre. The results obtained showed that relay 1 (R1) and the relay 2 (R2) at zone 2 had an un-instantaneous tripping action at a delayed tripping time of 0.4 s for relay 1. For relay 2, there was an instantaneous tripping action at 81-99% fault distances at zone 2 end and zone 3 entrance. Hence, for the Irrua and the Okpilla lines, the relay 1 (R1) at zone 1 during the three-phase fault had a fast tripping time of 0.4 s at the entrance to the line and an un-instantaneous tripping action of 0.1 s at 60-80% fault distances at zone 1 end. In conclusion, the Irrua-Etsako and Okpilla lines had an instantaneous tripping action during the three-phase fault due to the slow tripping of relay 1 (R1) and the fast tripping of relay 2 (R2) at zone 1 and 2 respectively. This caused the distance relays to malfunction due to the high fault current of magnitude 3.238 kA and 2.901 kA at the faulted lines causing low impedances experienced by the distance relays at the Irrua-Etsako and Okpilla lines.
Performance, Evaluation, Distance Relay, Edo Region, Transmission, faulted line etc.
IRE Journals:
Igberaese S. E. , Amhenrior H. E.
"Performance Evaluation of the Distance Relays at the Edo Region for 132kV Transmission Network" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 10 2024 Page 171-180
Igberaese S. E. , Amhenrior H. E.
"Performance Evaluation of the Distance Relays at the Edo Region for 132kV Transmission Network" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(10)