Learning Difficulties in Numeracy of Grade 3 Learners: Basis for Contextualized Learning Material
  • Author(s): Joel C. Talento
  • Paper ID: 1705678
  • Page: 85-90
  • Published Date: 13-04-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 10 April-2024

This study dealt with the Learning Difficulties in Numeracy of Grade 3 Learners in the Municipality of Daet: Basis for Contextualized Learning Material as its intervention. This study aimed to ascertain the outcomes on the following problems: 1) What are the results of Albay Numeracy Assessment Test (ALNAT) in Grade 3 learners from different public elementary schools in Daet along different categories: Needs Major Support, Anchoring, Developing, Emerging, and Transforming? 2) What are the strategies in trainings, learning materials, and pedagogies of teachers in addressing the difficulties in Math based from the results of ALNAT? 3) Is there a significant agreement of teachers on the strategies used along pedagogy, instructional learning materials and training of teachers in Mathematics? and, 4) What contextualized learning materials can be developed to enhance the numeracy skills of Grade 3 learners? This study employed a quantitative method using the descriptive-inferential to determine the frequency of results in various areas, and, Kendall Coefficient of Concordance W to know the significance of agreement on teachers along strategies used in trainings, learning materials, and pedagogies. The contextualized learning material is a worksheet which can be accessed manually and


Learning Difficulty, ALNAT, Contextualized Learning Materials


IRE Journals:
Joel C. Talento "Learning Difficulties in Numeracy of Grade 3 Learners: Basis for Contextualized Learning Material" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 10 2024 Page 85-90

Joel C. Talento "Learning Difficulties in Numeracy of Grade 3 Learners: Basis for Contextualized Learning Material" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(10)