Water Supply Monitoring & Controlling System with Water Theft Identification
  • Author(s): Jayesh Rane ; Susheela Suresh ; Saurabh Shirke ; Venkat Kulkarni ; Pranay Unnikrishnan
  • Paper ID: 1702282
  • Page: 47-51
  • Published Date: 06-05-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 11 May-2020

According to recent study, water has become an enormous issue thanks to less rain fall,upsurge in residents. Several cities face this downside. Individuals suffer from this downside for not having decent quantity of water for daily requirements. Because of lack of surveillance, water can’t be provided properly. Other difficulties are unnecessary consumption, overflow of tanks, leak inpipeline, constant water supply. High pressure of water flow will increase the likelihoodof pipeline cracking. All these problems are due to lack of investigation & less workforce. Here the approach we have opted for this in-hand crisis, is using the Node MCU 1.0 (ESP12E Module) microcontroller generally known as ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and a 16x2 LCD Screen which will of-course play its role when the wireless transmission is out of commission. Other key components in this system are LM324AN IC and a Generic Pressure Transducer.The job of Pressure Transducer is very much clear byits name, it’s simply measuring the pressure of a flowing water and convert the mechanical parameter into the voltage parameter.The more the pressure is, more will be its voltage value. LM324AN IC is actually a Quad Op-Amp. Here we have used this IC as a Comparator.


16x2 LCD Screen, LM324AN IC, Node MCU 1.0 (ESP12E Module), Pressure Transducer


IRE Journals:
Jayesh Rane , Susheela Suresh , Saurabh Shirke , Venkat Kulkarni , Pranay Unnikrishnan "Water Supply Monitoring & Controlling System with Water Theft Identification" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 47-51

Jayesh Rane , Susheela Suresh , Saurabh Shirke , Venkat Kulkarni , Pranay Unnikrishnan "Water Supply Monitoring & Controlling System with Water Theft Identification" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)