A graph G order n is said to have a k?prime labeling, wherek is a positive integer, if the vertices can be labeled with positive integers from k to k+|n|-1 such that each pair of adjacent vertices are relatively prime. In this work, a consecutive cyclic k – prime labeling for ladder graphs is given under certain conditions. Furthermore, a new graph called Crab graph is introduced and a prime labeling is discussed for it.
Crab Graph, Ladder Graph, k-prime labeling, prime labeling
IRE Journals:
M. D. M. C. P. Weerarathna , D. M. T. B. Dissanayake , W. V. Nishadi , K.D.E. Dhananjaya , T. R. D. S. M. Thennakoon; A. A. I. Perera
"Consecutive Cyclic k - Prime Labeling of a Ladder Graphand its application to Crab graph" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 278-283
M. D. M. C. P. Weerarathna , D. M. T. B. Dissanayake , W. V. Nishadi , K.D.E. Dhananjaya , T. R. D. S. M. Thennakoon; A. A. I. Perera
"Consecutive Cyclic k - Prime Labeling of a Ladder Graphand its application to Crab graph" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)