k - Odd Prime Labeling of mxn Grid Graphs
  • Author(s): W. K. Minusha Indunil ; K. N. Kaluarachchi ; A. C. G. Perera
  • Paper ID: 1703922
  • Page: 117-123
  • Published Date: 14-12-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 6 December-2022

Graph labeling can be mentioned as one of the most prominent research areas in graph theory andthe history of graph labeling can be traced back to the 1960s as well. There is aquite number of graph labeling techniques such as graceful labeling, radio labeling, antimagic labeling, prime labeling, and lucky labeling. There are varioussubtypes of prime labeling including odd prime labeling, "k" - prime labeling, neighborhood prime labeling, and coprime labeling. In this study, we explore one of the prime labeling varieties called odd prime labeling. There is a well-known conjecture related to this area that all the prime graphs are odd prime graphs. There is a vast number of publications regarding prime labeling and odd prime labeling fordifferent classes of graphs. Recent works on odd prime labeling investigate different types of snake graphs, complete graphs, triangular-type snake graphs, different types of ladder graphs, families of cycle-related and path-related graphs, etc. In this research work, we introducethe concept of "k" - odd prime labeling and obtain several "k" - odd prime graphs such as"m×n" grid graph and variations of it.


"m×n" grid graph, ladder graph,"k" - odd prime graph,"k" - odd prime labeling


IRE Journals:
W. K. Minusha Indunil , K. N. Kaluarachchi , A. C. G. Perera "k - Odd Prime Labeling of mxn Grid Graphs" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 117-123

W. K. Minusha Indunil , K. N. Kaluarachchi , A. C. G. Perera "k - Odd Prime Labeling of mxn Grid Graphs" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)