Toward Electronic Voting System: An Engineering Solution for Integrity and Trust of Record of Voting Systems
  • Author(s): Sunday Iliya ; Philip Omolaye ; Olurotimi Olakunle Awodiji
  • Paper ID: 1704157
  • Page: 373-380
  • Published Date: 31-03-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 9 March-2023

A major challenge in the proliferation of embedded microcomputer system is the design of the interfacing. The interfacing involves matching of signals, timing and provision of communication protocols between the microprocessor and the external devices. The paper presents the design and construction of a high speed electronic voting system using Intel microcroprocessor as an embedded microprocessor for a range of contestants. An EEPROM is used for storage with recoding capacity of 99,999,999 votes for each contestant per polling unit. The features include instant feedback on results of the polling unit, corrective procedure in its vote recoding and an estimated minimum rate of one vote per second. The system has a maximum power consumption of 3.75W and may be powered by mains, solar or battery for application in remote areas. The work presented aimed at engineering solution for integrity and trust of record of voting system.


Embedded systems, electronic voting system, buss contention, Initialization, Solar energy, Address decording, Microcontroller


IRE Journals:
Sunday Iliya , Philip Omolaye , Olurotimi Olakunle Awodiji "Toward Electronic Voting System: An Engineering Solution for Integrity and Trust of Record of Voting Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 9 2023 Page 373-380

Sunday Iliya , Philip Omolaye , Olurotimi Olakunle Awodiji "Toward Electronic Voting System: An Engineering Solution for Integrity and Trust of Record of Voting Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(9)