Intention of Novel Meta Material-Based Flexible Patch Antenna for MRI Application
  • Author(s): V Rajinikanth ; Dinesh Babu K ; Janani A
  • Paper ID: 1704410
  • Page: 315-321
  • Published Date: 12-05-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 11 May-2023

In present day periods, right here has stayed an explicit development withinside the assimilation of collective radio twine to bendable, weave and biomedical introductions.. The projected exertion presents the aim of a twist wearable square reception apparatus utilizing a metamaterial for improved show. There are around reception apparatus use includes bended radio wire, for example, wearable receiving wire, yet the substrate noble cause will have a few defects subsequent to turning and wrinkling after a timeframe. Thus, these examination aims to achieve the deficiency of the fix receiving wire to be fixed in persuading position. The projected setup has been produced metamaterial with bendable at given recurrence range (1-7 GHz). The reception equipment is organized withinside the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Software and the projected radio cord is then form in a comparable CST. The few limitations, for example, reflection coefficient boundary, VSWR, E-field and H-Field of the various conditions. The recreated results appearance that the assessment execution of the meta-material fix reception apparatus and bendable radio wire.


Flexible Antenna, MRI Scanning, Radiofrequency Signal, Computer Simulation.


IRE Journals:
V Rajinikanth , Dinesh Babu K , Janani A "Intention of Novel Meta Material-Based Flexible Patch Antenna for MRI Application" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 11 2023 Page 315-321

V Rajinikanth , Dinesh Babu K , Janani A "Intention of Novel Meta Material-Based Flexible Patch Antenna for MRI Application" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(11)