Laser-Based Smart Communication System
  • Author(s): Venkadeshwari K ; Manikandan G ; Gopinath R A ; Dr. Murugan K
  • Paper ID: 1705109
  • Page: 81-89
  • Published Date: 11-10-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 4 October-2023

This work presents the transmission of information in the form of light waves wirelessly in air. The aim of the Laser based Communication system is to enhance the communication capabilities for diverse applications by utilizing a high-speed data transmission technology and achieve faster and more efficient systems. The current highly used communication methods mainly depend on Radio Waves whose data transfer speed is slower when compared to light waves. As days pass there can be a shortage of availability of the radio waves spectrum due to more demand and usage. Another reason is that the laser beams are highly directional and focused narrow beams, hence less chances of interference. This system transmits the information which is encoded and modulated in the form of laser light using a laser diode in a free space wirelessly. Information can be an image or an audio file or a text. The transmitted laser signal is received by a photoreceiver, which is in Line of sight with the transmitter, in the receiver side and decoded to get the information. As light travels faster, this system achieves its speed. As a result of that, Latency is reduced. This has several advantages over traditional methods like higher bandwidth, high security, and resistance towards electromagnetic interferences. This can be used in many applications like satellite communication, underwater marine communication, in aerial vehicles and in high-speed data transmission areas.


Light Waves, Spectrum, Laser Diode, Line of sight, Photo receiver.


IRE Journals:
Venkadeshwari K , Manikandan G , Gopinath R A , Dr. Murugan K "Laser-Based Smart Communication System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 81-89

Venkadeshwari K , Manikandan G , Gopinath R A , Dr. Murugan K "Laser-Based Smart Communication System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)