Alertness Assured: Sleep Detection and Video Control Technology
  • Author(s): Akhil Ahmed ; Shreyash A. Nerkar ; Mahesh Upadhyay ; Devang Prabhune ; Kusumlata Pawar
  • Paper ID: 1705576
  • Page: 79-82
  • Published Date: 07-03-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 9 March-2024

This paper introduces a comprehensive solution for sleep detection in automotive and entertainment settings, integrating an adaptive play/pause system for multimedia’s like video content to enhance safety and user experience. Employing Python for implementation, the system utilizes computer vision techniques to monitor driver facial features and movements in real-time, ensuring vigilance on the road. Concurrently, it extends its functionality to entertainment environments, seamlessly integrating with multimedia files like videos to fetch metadata and playback controls. Upon detecting sleep, the system automatically pauses playback, prioritizing sleep and minimizing distractions, thereby promoting safety without compromising user experience. In conclusion, this multi-platform approach offers a holistic solution to address safety concerns across automotive and entertainment domains.


Sleep detection, Computer vision, Facial landmarks, Real-time monitoring, Video Content.


IRE Journals:
Akhil Ahmed , Shreyash A. Nerkar , Mahesh Upadhyay , Devang Prabhune , Kusumlata Pawar "Alertness Assured: Sleep Detection and Video Control Technology" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 79-82

Akhil Ahmed , Shreyash A. Nerkar , Mahesh Upadhyay , Devang Prabhune , Kusumlata Pawar "Alertness Assured: Sleep Detection and Video Control Technology" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)