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Dr. Mahesh Sudhakar Naik ; Divya Ahirrao
; Shobha Choudhary ; Pratik Shinde ; Shraddha Tiwari . "Maximization of Construction Work Activities within Prefixed Budget using Simplex Method" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 1-6
Dr. Mahesh Sudhakar Naik
; Divya Ahirrao
; Shobha Choudhary ; Pratik Shinde ; Shraddha Tiwari .
"Maximization of Construction Work Activities within Prefixed Budget using Simplex Method" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Myat Lay Nwe ; San Yu Khaing
; Amar Khin . "Evaluation of Traditional Herbal Based Myanmar Medicine, Mansay" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 7-11
Myat Lay Nwe
; San Yu Khaing
; Amar Khin .
"Evaluation of Traditional Herbal Based Myanmar Medicine, Mansay" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Okey, Stella-Maris (Ph.D)
. "Job Satisfaction and Teacher Turnover in the Management of Quality Education in Calabar Municipal Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 12-16
Okey, Stella-Maris (Ph.D)
"Job Satisfaction and Teacher Turnover in the Management of Quality Education in Calabar Municipal Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Niti Priya
. "How to start online business by creating a good startup ideas : (ONLINE BOUTIQUE BUSINESS)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 23-28
Niti Priya
"How to start online business by creating a good startup ideas : (ONLINE BOUTIQUE BUSINESS)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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; SIMRAN KUMARI ; PRATHAMESH NADKARNI . "Reason for Historical Fall down in Crude Oil Prices" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 29-30
"Reason for Historical Fall down in Crude Oil Prices" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Thet Thet Khaing ; Phyu Sin Nyein
; Myint Soe Khaing ; Khaing Khaing Wai . "Dimension Reduction of Images using Principal Component Analysis Algorithm" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 39-42
Thet Thet Khaing
; Phyu Sin Nyein
; Myint Soe Khaing ; Khaing Khaing Wai .
"Dimension Reduction of Images using Principal Component Analysis Algorithm" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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K Mohana Madhu Vamsi ; A Sravana Venkat
; B Pavan Kalyan ; G Vinod Kumar . "SISO Antenna with and Polarization Diversity for Pattern WLAN, GPS and Satellite Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 43-46
K Mohana Madhu Vamsi
; A Sravana Venkat
; B Pavan Kalyan ; G Vinod Kumar .
"SISO Antenna with and Polarization Diversity for Pattern WLAN, GPS and Satellite Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Jayesh Rane ; Susheela Suresh
; Saurabh Shirke ; Venkat Kulkarni ; Pranay Unnikrishnan . "Water Supply Monitoring & Controlling System with Water Theft Identification" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 47-51
Jayesh Rane
; Susheela Suresh
; Saurabh Shirke ; Venkat Kulkarni ; Pranay Unnikrishnan.
"Water Supply Monitoring & Controlling System with Water Theft Identification" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Sadguru Prakash ; Dharmendra Singh
. "Conservation Status of Ichthyofauna of Baghel Taal, A Wetland of District Bahraich (U. P.), India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 52-56
Sadguru Prakash
; Dharmendra Singh
"Conservation Status of Ichthyofauna of Baghel Taal, A Wetland of District Bahraich (U. P.), India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Asim Sayyed
. "The Corona(COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) Cure using Blood Transfusion and Machine Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 64-72
Asim Sayyed
"The Corona(COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) Cure using Blood Transfusion and Machine Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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M. A. Bawa ; N. Mohammed
; M. H. Muhammad ; D. E. Bot . "Recycling of Ferrous Metal Scrap for Production of Automobile Brake Drum in Nigeria " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 73-79
M. A. Bawa
; N. Mohammed
; M. H. Muhammad ; D. E. Bot .
"Recycling of Ferrous Metal Scrap for Production of Automobile Brake Drum in Nigeria " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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M. A. Bawa ; M. H. Ibrahim
; A. U. Babuje ; E. E. Akabuike . "Investigation on the Potentials of locally Produced Anodes for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Pipelines in Aggressive Environment." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 80-85
M. A. Bawa
; M. H. Ibrahim
; A. U. Babuje ; E. E. Akabuike .
"Investigation on the Potentials of locally Produced Anodes for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Pipelines in Aggressive Environment." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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U. Satish ; S K. Abbddularafath
; V. Rishindra ; Y. Mukhesh ; V. Sai Harsha . "Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using CNN" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 86-92
U. Satish
; S K. Abbddularafath
; V. Rishindra ; Y. Mukhesh ; V. Sai Harsha.
"Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using CNN" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Sneha Bhusal ; Swati Kshirsagar
. "Comparison of Construction with Traditional Method and 3D Printing Technology." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 93-97
Sneha Bhusal
; Swati Kshirsagar
"Comparison of Construction with Traditional Method and 3D Printing Technology." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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ADEROGBIN Joseph Ayofe ; ISIBOR Roland Anthony
. "Application of ZTR Index in the Assessment of Maturity of Stream Sediments in Akinmorin Area, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 98-107
ADEROGBIN Joseph Ayofe
; ISIBOR Roland Anthony
"Application of ZTR Index in the Assessment of Maturity of Stream Sediments in Akinmorin Area, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Roland Anthony Isibor ; Joseph Ayofe Aderogbin
. "Assessment of Nitrate and Escherichia coli Contamination of Shallow Groundwater of Ajakanga and Environs, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 108-118
Roland Anthony Isibor
; Joseph Ayofe Aderogbin
"Assessment of Nitrate and Escherichia coli Contamination of Shallow Groundwater of Ajakanga and Environs, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Krutika Patil ; Madhura Vajarekar
; Meera Yadate ; T. N. Sawant . "Vehicle Theft Detection Using GSM on Raspberry Pi" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 119-124
Krutika Patil
; Madhura Vajarekar
; Meera Yadate ; T. N. Sawant .
"Vehicle Theft Detection Using GSM on Raspberry Pi" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Liton Chandra Voumik ; Mohammad Iqbal Hossain
; Md. Farid Dewan ; Maznur Rahman . "Forecasting employment rate in service sectors in Bangladesh: An application of auto regressive integrated moving average model" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 125-131
Liton Chandra Voumik
; Mohammad Iqbal Hossain
; Md. Farid Dewan ; Maznur Rahman .
"Forecasting employment rate in service sectors in Bangladesh: An application of auto regressive integrated moving average model" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Ebong, Edem Asuquo ; Ndum, Victor Etim
. "Collective Bargaining and the Nigerian Industrial Relations System-Conceptual Underpinnings" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 132-139
Ebong, Edem Asuquo
; Ndum, Victor Etim
"Collective Bargaining and the Nigerian Industrial Relations System-Conceptual Underpinnings" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Ashish More ; Vaibhav Sawant
; Bhavik Kumar Shivhare ; Neha Rathi . "Smart Contracts Transaction System With Block-chain" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 146-148
Ashish More
; Vaibhav Sawant
; Bhavik Kumar Shivhare ; Neha Rathi .
"Smart Contracts Transaction System With Block-chain" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Roland Anthony Isibor ; Joseph Ayofe Aderogbin
; Odunayo Jumoke Oyebode . "Geochemical Evaluation of Heavy Metal Impact on the Stream Sediments of Ajakanga area, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 149-162
Roland Anthony Isibor
; Joseph Ayofe Aderogbin
; Odunayo Jumoke Oyebode .
"Geochemical Evaluation of Heavy Metal Impact on the Stream Sediments of Ajakanga area, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Yash. A. Sangle ; Swati B. Kshirsagar
. "Study of Waterproofing Systems Methodology In Construction Management" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 175-178
Yash. A. Sangle
; Swati B. Kshirsagar
"Study of Waterproofing Systems Methodology In Construction Management" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Sakshi Sachin Mokashi
. "A Comparative Study of Defluoridation of Water Using Bioadsorbents - Tea Waste and Rice Husk" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 179-187
Sakshi Sachin Mokashi
"A Comparative Study of Defluoridation of Water Using Bioadsorbents - Tea Waste and Rice Husk" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Bhushan Birla ; Shubham Gite
; Pritam Chandel ; Prof. Dnyaneshwar Kushare . "Design and Analysis of Solar Powered Thermometric Refrigerator" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 188-191
Bhushan Birla
; Shubham Gite
; Pritam Chandel ; Prof. Dnyaneshwar Kushare .
"Design and Analysis of Solar Powered Thermometric Refrigerator" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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P. Vamshi Krishna ; Vipparthi Rajesh
; Dhondi Roshitha ; R. Abhishek . "An Experimental Analysis on Self Compaction Concrete Using Nano Silica" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 192-208
P. Vamshi Krishna
; Vipparthi Rajesh
; Dhondi Roshitha ; R. Abhishek .
"An Experimental Analysis on Self Compaction Concrete Using Nano Silica" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Alok Kumar Pal ; Dr. Bharti Shukla
. "Impact of Digital Marketing On Consumer Buying Behaviour" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 209-220
Alok Kumar Pal
; Dr. Bharti Shukla
"Impact of Digital Marketing On Consumer Buying Behaviour" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Akpoyibo, F. E ; Ezechukwu, A. O
. "A Review of Transient in Electrical Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 221-228
Akpoyibo, F. E
; Ezechukwu, A. O
"A Review of Transient in Electrical Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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A.H.M.S.P. Abeyrathne
. "Composition of Household Waste and The Constructive Management of Its Disposal (District Based)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 229-237
A.H.M.S.P. Abeyrathne
"Composition of Household Waste and The Constructive Management of Its Disposal (District Based)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Babatunde Oluwamayokun SOYOYE
. "Determination of Some Properties of Rice and Cowpea In Relation to Thresher Design" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 242-248
Babatunde Oluwamayokun SOYOYE
"Determination of Some Properties of Rice and Cowpea In Relation to Thresher Design" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Jigyasa Singh ; Dr. Bharti Shukla
. "Work Life Balance among Women Employees in Gorakhpur" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 249-253
Jigyasa Singh
; Dr. Bharti Shukla
"Work Life Balance among Women Employees in Gorakhpur" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Sadguru Prakash ; Seema Srivastava
. "Covid-19: Environmental and Social Changes during Lockdown" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 254-260
Sadguru Prakash
; Seema Srivastava
"Covid-19: Environmental and Social Changes during Lockdown" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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IRE Journals
Agwah, B.C. ; Akaneme, S. A.
; Nwabueze, C. A. . "Application of DFT Precoding with Repeated Clipping and Filtering for Minimizing Peak to Average Power Ratio in OFDM System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 265-273
Agwah, B.C.
; Akaneme, S. A.
; Nwabueze, C. A. .
"Application of DFT Precoding with Repeated Clipping and Filtering for Minimizing Peak to Average Power Ratio in OFDM System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Shailesh Bhimanpelli ; Jay Shelke
; Pranay Nivalkar ; Dr. J. W. Bakal . "A Review on Smartwatch" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 274-277
Shailesh Bhimanpelli
; Jay Shelke
; Pranay Nivalkar ; Dr. J. W. Bakal .
"A Review on Smartwatch" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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M. D. M. C. P. Weerarathna ; D. M. T. B. Dissanayake
; W. V. Nishadi ; K.D.E. Dhananjaya ; T. R. D. S. M. Thennakoon; A. A. I. Perera . "Consecutive Cyclic k - Prime Labeling of a Ladder Graphand its application to Crab graph" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 278-283
M. D. M. C. P. Weerarathna
; D. M. T. B. Dissanayake
; W. V. Nishadi ; K.D.E. Dhananjaya ; T. R. D. S. M. Thennakoon; A. A. I. Perera.
"Consecutive Cyclic k - Prime Labeling of a Ladder Graphand its application to Crab graph" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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N. Rajashree ; Y. Sai Nithisha
; Shaik Shaheen ; P. Govardhan . "An IOT Approach for Monitoring Aqua Culture Using GSM Module" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 284-288
N. Rajashree
; Y. Sai Nithisha
; Shaik Shaheen ; P. Govardhan .
"An IOT Approach for Monitoring Aqua Culture Using GSM Module" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Kirti Sood ; Dr. Karuna Jain
. "Impact of Employee Retention on Medical Representatives of Pharmaceutical Companies" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 292-298
Kirti Sood
; Dr. Karuna Jain
"Impact of Employee Retention on Medical Representatives of Pharmaceutical Companies" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Okorn Felix Tabi ; Ndum, Victor Etim (Ph.D)
. "Cross Border Migration between Nigeria and Its Francophone Neighbors: Policy Challenge" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 304-311
Okorn Felix Tabi
; Ndum, Victor Etim (Ph.D)
"Cross Border Migration between Nigeria and Its Francophone Neighbors: Policy Challenge" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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G. Manohar ; K. V. Sai Krishna
; Bitra Harish ; J. Thangakumar ; P Ranjana . "Smart Irrigation System Using IOT (SISIOT)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 312-316
G. Manohar
; K. V. Sai Krishna
; Bitra Harish ; J. Thangakumar ; P Ranjana.
"Smart Irrigation System Using IOT (SISIOT)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Yogesh Babu Dixit
. "Impact of Water Quality on Haematological Parameters of Labeo Rohita" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 317-320
Yogesh Babu Dixit
"Impact of Water Quality on Haematological Parameters of Labeo Rohita" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Deepak Kaul
. "AI-Based Blockchain Consensus for Real-Time Security Policy Enforcement in Containerized Environments" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 327-340
Deepak Kaul
"AI-Based Blockchain Consensus for Real-Time Security Policy Enforcement in Containerized Environments" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Dr. N. Y. Badannavar
. "Thiosemicarbazone Complexes as Versatile Medicinal Chemistry Agents: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 341-351
Dr. N. Y. Badannavar
"Thiosemicarbazone Complexes as Versatile Medicinal Chemistry Agents: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Martin Louis
. "Semantic Search Leveraging Product Knowledge Graphs for Financial Products in Web 2.0 Ecosystems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 352-364
Martin Louis
"Semantic Search Leveraging Product Knowledge Graphs for Financial Products in Web 2.0 Ecosystems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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Md Abul Mansur
. "Food Security through Waste Management Framework in Social Business Model to achieve Sustainable Development Goals" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 365-375
Md Abul Mansur
"Food Security through Waste Management Framework in Social Business Model to achieve Sustainable Development Goals" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)
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